Wednesday, March 7, 2012

How 2 Imagine: Summit’n’Counterrites

The 34th  annual summit We Suck. Let’s Reconstruct the Power from Scratch! was held at the downtown hotel Shar(e)-asfiks-tom in Abrëville, Iceland. On December 2nd 5050, the morning sessions were dedicated to the problem of scant food supplies in the underbelly of the world’s duodenum. Keynote speaker Stroke Oeldentoon, head of Banks to the People, the world’s leading hedge fund, addressed the audience stressing an alarmingly high starvation rate among the population under the age of four. As a piece of evidence he presented to the attendees was a poem written and sent to him by one such victim. The effect was supposed to be a wake up call for the masses of financial giants persistently turning a blind eye on the dramatically decreasing élan vital among the duodenumers. The poem is of the approximately following content:

I am three, but I can write-read /
I am hungry, but I have A voice /
I am a duodenumer, but my words are not /
I work 14 hours a day, but at night I sleep not /
Instead, I am logorrheaing a lot!

A ground-shaking applause followed. And so did lunch in multiple dining areas of the hotel. The afternoon was enlightened by a discussant on the panel Who Cares You Don’t Care! World-renowned investor, chair of  We Suck Your Blood As Your Accounts Suck Into Our Bloodline—a leading trust focusing on the question of foreclosure and reimagining of the housing dream. He drew the participants’ attention to the skyrocketing number of the homeless in global epicenters of urbanization. To highlight his point about the undisputable urgency of raising more funds to ensure shelters for the endangered, he showed a picture taken and sent to him by a domestically disabled person who used it as support to the petition signed by the 5050 habitatly dispossessed.

A mindlessly vigorous applause honored the discussant’s illuminating contribution:
The event was crowned by dinner, followed by numerous private parties scattered across the hotel lounges, suites, bars, and swimming pools. The dawn welcomed the exhausted fighters for betterment of the lives of the financially crippled and proprietarily impaired.

The same new sun was shining on the bunch of the brave enduring a 24 hour demonstration of A Panapocalyptic Manifesto--ritualing on the legendary cliff near Café Club on the infamous beach. The previous day, simultaneously with the opening of the summit, the Kids started their counterrites in order to confront the sinister presence of commercial moguls in the city. To despise the self-righteous, self-congratulatory self-criticism coming from the rotting mouths of the ownership corpse. As always, they were standing on the cliff, holding each other’s hands invoking the archived materials from the factory buildings and, having transformed them into a vehement wave of cosmic vomiting, they turned their heads upwards in order to be showered by that gentle tornado of phunkie particles. Invisible embalmers anoint the bodies profusely.

As the fiery fountain is streaming through the inner solar routes of these worshippers of wretchedness, Bizzare, master of ceremony, addresses the present:

Dear Fellow Cyborgs!
Today, we proudly stand on this spot of honor to resist the toxic wave that is threatening to spread from the downtown gathering. Today, at Shar(e)-asfiks-tom monetary powers are attempting to merge in order to bring to the world more of such stuff. The most prestigious postindustrial tycoons, multinational corporations’ presidents, beneficiaries, investors in space exploration, religious leaders, activists, not-for-profit fiscal magnates, dosh oligarchs, cyberspace rulers, political illuminati, cultural illuminators, respected representatives of the medical profession, reputable agnostics, awe-inspiring celebrities, distinguished motheress tigers, elected law makers, guardians of the freest press, warlords against the red markets, promethei to the benighted corners of the best of the possible worlds. In a word, contortionists on the economic tightrope are assembling to give to the world whatever can be taken. To such an ambitiously altruistic endeavor we say: Fuck Off Losers! : 2 Hell with Darkness! We despise anomalies of nature and altruism turns out to be but an instant of such a lousy offence to evolution. May the phunkie rain falling on us bring to the world decisive dissolvement of the bloodsucking circles. To that end, let us take turns in addressing that bloodcorroding world. Without further ado, speak ladies & gents-comrade-cyborgs…

Cyborg 1:
I am imagining the world whose coordinates are heads and toes. In that world, a river in the summer is frozen. That state is sustained thanks to technological and scientific advancement. Above, when one looks, what catches the eye is a cloud, wandering aimlessly across an alienated sky. Sooner rather than later, such cloud inevitably comes across a region in the atmosphere where temperature normally causes a transformation of the funny molecules into either a shower, or persistent (some would even say annoying) drizzle, or, a day-long outpour of snowflakes. Sometimes even harsher formations can be seen to be falling on the ground. Nothing like that happens in the world I am imagining. There, when a cloud comes to such clime, a miracle happens. The miracle being that nothing happens. How it is possible that condensation fails to occur is a complete mystery to me.

Perhaps not so puzzling if one looks more closely. There are technical means that enable creation of what to a scientifically illiterate mind seems inexplicable:

Cyborg 2:
I am imagining a world in which man yearns for a place one could call home. That man is homeless. That man is multiplied into a plethora of homelessness. That plethora haunts the world I am imagining. That world is generous. It provides man with an opportunity to get rid of the burden. It provides one with an opportunity to work. When one works, one earns money. Money is a materialized convention that has acquired a life in its own right. It, therefore, has a power. A power to purchase. By extension, man  has that power, too. Hence, man buys what is missing from the universe s/he would like to inhabit. The priority No. 1 being a house. Man can buy a house, an apartment, real estate property, a flat. Moreover, stuff to furnish the space with. But can that furniture decorate the space? Is that space man’s place?

The answers to these questions man finds as one lives. As one works:

 Cyborg 3:
I am imagining a world in which work reveals the ways of supplying not only the basics for a living, but life in abundance. More precisely, to work is to make money. To make money is to gain the power to consume. To consume is to own. To own is to feel secure. To feel secure is to have a piece of property. Even better, to work is to make money. To make money is to be monetarily powerful. To be monetarily powerful is to be financially mighty. To be granted such invulnerability is to be free to buy whatever is lacking to make one’s microcosm complete. It turns out that such things are numberless. Thus, one starts from the most needed ones. Or, in order of preference. In any case, man’s power to purchase is endless. Or, rather, it stretches as far as the bank account enables the flexibility in question. Soon, man’s house is full of the things one once lacked. And now, one is free to consume at one’s leisure.

Leisure must be free time:

Cyborg 4:
I am imagining a world in which one reaches a conclusion about who one is. The knowledge about such an abysmal query comes in the form of a question. And an answer. The question, in fact, contains many subheads. The answer may. But may not. The initial question, contrary to the expected “Who am I?”,  is “Can I imagine?”.

Q: We are not robozombies!
A: We are not robozombies!

Such a decision is a manifestation of the power of decision-making. That power entitles an individual to a sense of an ability to act. To act is opposite of stagnation. To stagnate is dangerous. To be in danger is to be deprived of the authority to feel the power in its entirety. To be dispossessed is to be less human. To be less human is not to be an individual. Not to be an individual is to be lonely. To be lonely is to live with others without an awareness of it. To be with others is to type. To type is to…

Reasons 4 This’n’Reasons 4 That
My walk, along with the gaseous infusion, has been fueled by memory. That is a memory of the name of the street. I remember it because twenty-two years after, I will have read a chapter in a book that spoke about somebody’s thoughts during a walk near the sea.  Then I will have imagined myself to be strolling the streets of a city on the shore, necked by the sea too cool to welcome swimmers. And yet, warm enough to spread its beaches in front of whatever foot feels compelled by their unbeatable appeal. I’d imagine myself in that city where seagulls’ voices fill the meandering stairs ornamenting the paths uphill. I’d like to see myself in that city protected by sunshine never hot enough to free the walkers of their robes. And yet, bright enough to make a fresh breeze feel like sticky ambrosia dripping from the tropical sky. To make each step like a millimeter closer to the epicenter of the tectonic vibrations tickling the soles. A nanosecond nearer to the moment of the encounter with what might even be one’s stellar twin.

As a galactic child, I am not doomed to somnambulism. TherefoYr, I feel I have entered the phase of refocusing my mind onto the parts of the universe less severe in their inexplicability.

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